دورِحاضر کےچند مشہورمستشرقین اوران کےاہداف: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

Some Famous Orientalists of the Present Era and their Goals: A research analysis

  • Dr. Shahid Amin Lecturer, Department of Islamic and Religious Studies, Hazara University Mansehra
  • Dr. Gulzar Ali Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, AWKUM
  • Dr. Mumtaz Khan Theology Teacher, Elementary and Secondary Education Department, KP
Keywords: Orientalism, Judaism, Christianity, well known, Qurᾱn


Allah s.w.t۔says in Holy Qurᾱn: Indeed, Islam is the only religion in the sight of Allah s.w.t۔Only Islam has enlightened the people by removing the darkness of disbelief andpolytheism and waved its flag of truthfulness in east and west۔ But opponents of Islam did not tolerate it and stood up against Islam۔ There was a time when enemies of Islam tried to erase Islam with combat forces۔ When the military strengths and powers converted crusades, then Mujᾱhidῑn with bare swords became the brand of Islam that all the others powers came toits end. When the Jews and Christians could not override the strength and power of Islam, then they kepton craft plotting against Islam۔ They put their leaders in the field for so called investigations (teḥqῑq) regarding Islamic thoughts, culture and history to taint the clean and spotless face of Islam and to attack Islam from all the angles. These investigations initiated an ideological war which is so far continued۔ and these investigations backed the rise of “Orientalism”۔ Orientalism and Orientalists is a strong link in the chain which is the union of Judaism and Christianity۔
