Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa <p><iframe src="https://tahdhibalafkar.com/" width="100%" height="950"> </iframe></p> en-US editor@tahdhibalafkar.com (Dr. Abzahir Khan) editor@tahdhibalafkar.com (Dr. Gulzar Ali) Sat, 16 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Youth Protection and Correctional Strategies in the Light of Quranic Teachings: A Research Study https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/129 <p>Islam has given directions of protection and reformation of youth. Youth is real power and true asset of any nation. Civilized nations always focused their attentions on youth protection. In this modern time, it is dire need to take steps regarding youth engagements in positive and healthy activities. Infact, youth is solution, not problem. Islamic teachings are highly relevent relating development of strategy for youth protection and islam is true source of peace, protection and prosparity</p> Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Jalali, Dr. Ghulam Hussain Babar, Muhammad Naveed Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/129 Sat, 16 Apr 2022 10:46:47 +0000 Commentary Work of Maliki Jurists in the Chapter of Fiqh-ul-Quran, an Introductory Study https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/131 <p>The Holy Qur'an is the most basic and fundamental source for Islamic jurisprudence. According to the traditions, since the time of the Holy Prophet, the method of obtaining rules through the Qur'an was common among the Companions of the Holy Prophet (sws). The verses mentioned in the Holy Qur'an are of two kinds. There are some verses in which the commandments are mentioned with great clarity and clarity. Most of the rules of the Holy Qur'an belong to this category. However, there are some rules which are taken through meditation. There are two more types. Some rulings are those which are deduced without any intermediary, there is no need to associate any other verse with it while some rulings are those which are derived from any other argument. Rulings derived from Qur'anic verses are called "Islamic jurisprudence" or "legal study of the Qur'an". Due to the importance of the rules of jurisprudence and its relation to practical life, many scholars have arranged the interpretation of the verses of the rules of jurisprudence. Scholars of all schools of jurisprudence have worked on it in different ways. In this regard, the work of the old and contemporary scholars of the Maliki school of thought is very remarkable. The article under consideration has been written in view of this need.</p> Dr. Syed Noor ul Hassan Hashmi, Dr. Ghulam Hussain Babar, Ayisha Bibi Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/131 Sat, 16 Apr 2022 10:59:50 +0000 Methodology and Style of Muhammad Saeed Ramzan Al Both’s book “Fiqh alseerah Al Nabavia” https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/126 <p>The intellectuals and genuine Scholars from every age down the era of prophethood have penned down the life of the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. If the history of the biography of the prophet is traced back , it reveals varied styles for different tastes and tendencies. A cursory &nbsp;&nbsp;look on the history of&nbsp; biography of the prophet reveals styles like one developed on Hadith, historical, compilatory, conversational, debatory and jurisprudential. This articale is based on jurisprudential in style. It contain syllogism in instructions of Sharia and jurisprudence. This kind of diction is termed as jurisprudence of Seerah . In the contemporary age, a book titled “Fiqah us Seerah un Nabavia” has been penned on the said style. This research article explores the subject and style of the book, the life and works of Muhammad Saeed Ramzan Alboti along with the shortcomings of the book. In the end it contains conclusion and references.</p> Dr. Aliya Javed, Prof. Dr. Ata Ur Rahman Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/126 Sun, 17 Apr 2022 20:13:33 +0000 The Effects of Hinduism on Islamic Mysticism: An Analysis of its Causes, Consequences and Remedies https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/128 <p>Tasawwuf is an important felid of the Islamic tradition of knowledge and civilization. It means to purify and purify one's inner self, that is, to purify one's self from the vices and vices of morality, and to adorn oneself with the virtues of morality. But with the passage of time, when different civilizations came together in terms of the spread of Islam to the east and west, the real Islamic Tasawwuf began to change. Other traditions of mysticism, faiths and thoughts also influenced the Islamic Tasawwuf. So for when it comes to Indian civilization, Indian civilization is a mixture of mixed principles and their religion, a combination of different ideas, beliefs, rituals, superstitions, which have been gradually adopted by different sections of the same society. Especially since the beginning of history, this region has been the abode of different civilizations and the centre of their different times. In this way, his influence was also felt on Islamic mysticism and Sufism began to consider him as a part of mysticism. In this context, in this study, an attempt has been made to investigate the causes, consequences and remedies of Islamic Sufism. The Analytical research methodology has been adopted in this study with a qualitative paradigm.&nbsp; &nbsp;The study perceives that the major influence and impact of Hindu Mysticism on Islamic Tasawwuf is on the creed of Touhād in terms of polytheism and on rituals and Customs in terms of lifestyle. It is recommended on the behalf of this study we should pure Islamic Tasawwuf from Hindu, Persian and Greek Mysticism to act upon the Islamic tradition of purification (Tazkia).</p> Muhammad Zakir , Dr. Riaz Ahmad Saeed Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/128 Tue, 19 Apr 2022 14:28:00 +0000 An Analytical Study of the Foundations and Applications of the Juristic Maxim "Certainty is not Faded Through Doubt" https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/137 <p>It is observed that foundations of mundane knowledge and skills are based on certain rules &amp; regulations that are fundamentals for appropriate comprehension of the relevant knowledge domain. All those who are well versed in these rule &amp; regulation have made the understanding of these subjects easier to follow for the masses. Subsequently students and learners have found it easier to comprehend the intricacies and do not digress from the essence. In the same vain scholars of Islam have found support and guidance from rules enshrined in the holy Quran, Sunnah, in the saying of Companions of Holy Prophet (SAW), Successors and Muslim Jurists. This knowledge has enabled the Islamic Jurists to address the queries of audience effectively and adequately and thus have provided them appropriate guidance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Legal Maxim indicates towards the juristic value and thereafter this value includes all the issues falling under it. For instance, the legal maxim is: Certitude is not faded by suspicion. The juristic value proved by this principle applies to all such problems in which certitude and suspicion are in conflict with each other. As against this, the juristic theory does not carry any legal maxim. For example, theory of ownership, theory of repeal, theory of annulment etc.</p> Tanveer Hussain, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/137 Tue, 19 Apr 2022 14:45:05 +0000 The Analysis of Ziauddin Sardar on Ismaʻīl Rājī al-Fārūqī’s theory of Islamization of Knowledge, an analytical study https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/135 <p>The dream of Islamic Renaissance has been sought by prominent Muslim scholars. Islamization of modern sciences is one of those endeavours in this regard. The following article consists Ziauddin Sardar’s criticism of AL-faruqi’s concept of Islamization of knowledge (IOK).</p> <p>Al-Fārūqī considers the flawed education system responsible for the appalling condition of the Ummah, He presented his work plan of first principles to Islamize modern sciences. His methodology is based on eight components and twelve steps.</p> <p>Ziauddin Sardar is of the view that Ummah should embrace modern sciences by making their own homework take into consideration Islamic epistemology and Islamic world view, revisiting and reinterpreting their sacred texts. He is agreed to the basic theme of the Work Plan, but not with the implementation..</p> <p>Al-Faruqi’ stresses upon the Islamization of Western social sciences and ignores the fact that the modern sciences have built up the new world which according to Sardar leads to the failure of the proposition of IOK. He wants to put Islamic spirit in the edifice of the Western sciences: Sardar opines that how it will be possible to mould knowledge, created by others, according to one’s own needs.</p> <p>As a principle both are agree on the point of uplifting of the Ummah, but both looks at the same thing from two different angles.</p> Syed Shah Hassan, Ahmad Abdur Rahman Quraishi Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/135 Sun, 01 May 2022 09:47:36 +0000 The Accountability system in the state of Medina and its implementation in the present time https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/138 <p>Jurists have given a comprehensive connotation of corruption, which including financial corruption, encompasses all moral and social evils.</p> <p>Majority of the jurists are unanimously agreed on the point that accountability process has its roots since the origination of Islam and they argue that the accountability articles were the part of the charter of Medina. Prophet Muhammad (P.BU.H) played his part as the ombudsman and chief justice in the nascent state of Medina. An indiscriminating accountability system was prevalent in the state.No one was above the law, both weak and powerful were dealt by law on equality basis.</p> <p>&nbsp;All sort of financial corruption including all forms of social evils, such as, falsehood, dishonesty, fraud, usury, bribery were nipped in the bud. All the complaints against civil administrators were immediately redressed. Only the competent individuals were appointed on the public officees.Piety, knowledge, genius, honesty and strong will-power were the basic requirements for the appointments. It was on account of strong accountability process that the state of Medina witnessed an era of peace and harmony and of prosperity.</p> Dr. Ghous Uddin Khan Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/138 Fri, 20 May 2022 12:07:03 +0000 Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam: An Analytical Study of the Role of Mufti Mahmood https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/150 <p>Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam is considered the most active religious-political party in the practical politics of Pakistan. Mufti Mahmood was the most brilliant <em>ameer</em> (Leader) of this party without any doubt. Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Islam has passed through a number of progressive steps under his leadership. The party decided to take part in politics under the guidance of Mufti Mahmood. However, it was very difficult for an Islamic Religious Party to not only accept the western democratic system but also taking part in the politics. Under the directictions of Mufti Mahmood, the party first came out in support of Ayub Khan's dictatorship but then rallied against him. It was Mufti Mahmood who fully participated in the Pakistan National Allience against Bhutto and later supported General Zia-ul-Haq. It can be said that today Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam stands with the image of a religious political party with its strong political foundations. This image is derived from the thoughts and philosophy of its former <em>Ameer</em> Mufti Mahmood.</p> Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Dr. Muhammad Abid Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/150 Mon, 23 May 2022 15:45:32 +0000 Islamic Values in the Urdu naval Rasheed un Nisa https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/152 <p>Rasheed un Nisa was the first female novelist who ushered in the era of female novel writing by penning “Islah un Nisa”. The novel, despite being written in 1881 could not be published as late as 1894 due to the conservative environment that prevailed at that time. Some of the salient issues highlighted through this novel include women’s education, superstitions and condemnation of frivolous rituals/customs. The author has exquisitely delineated the social and familial issues that plagues the society at that time. Hence, its literary significance cannot be gainsaid. But, unfortunately, not very many critics have acknowledged Rasheed un Nisa’s stature as first female novelist. It is an irrefutable fact that no novel, other than Islah un Nisa was published at the end of 19<sup>th</sup> century. Formal novel writing commenced at the turn of 20<sup>th</sup> century. But, it is a stark reality that female novel writing had begun with Islah un Nisa. Hence, there is no denying the fact that Rasheed un Nisa was actually the first female novelist in Urdu Literature.</p> <p>A cursory glance at the literary works of that time clearly shows that only two novels, namely <em>Miraat ul Uroos</em> (Maulvi Nazeer Ahmed) and <em>Surat Khayal</em> (Shad Azeem Abadi) held social and moral significance. However, as Miraat ul Uroos highlighted improvement in women’s moral behavior, hence Rasheed un Nisa had followed in to Maulvi Nazeer Ahmed’s footsteps in her novel Islah un Nisa. Nevertheless, it is also imperative to mention that whereas Maulvi Nazeer Ahmed had laid emphasis merely on women’s domestic grooming’ learning, Rasheed un Nisa went a step further and sought the right of western education for women.&nbsp; Indeed, it was an astounding development in those conservative and stifled times. The women of that era were being treated like cattle. Their limited access included and was restricted to basic necessities only. Any recognition beyond their household obligations was equivalent to a stigma. Therefore, in such a conformist and traditional era, raising voice for women’s right to education was indeed a huge achievement and a milestone. For this exact reason, Rasheed un Nisa’s novel could not be published for twelve years until her son returned from Europe after becoming a barrister and got his mother’s novel published.</p> <p>The major reason behind writing this novel was reformation of the society which simultaneously led her to women’s reformation since the women of those times were superstitious and gullible. The main reason behind their credulous nature was lack of education. Rasheed un Nisa focused on how an educated woman can bring about a sea change in society through her own and her children’s grooming. She turned out to be a trailblazer as her successors in female novel writing followed suit and played a pivotal role in betterment of society. Some of the most prominent figures in this respect include stalwarts like Sughra Humayun Mirza, Akbari begum, Abbasi Begum, Zafar Jehan Begum, A-Z, Hasan Begum, Fatima Begum, Tayabba Begum, Zia Bano and B-Sadeed. These novelist created characters on the pattern of Islah un Nisa and raised their voices against the menace of illiteracy, outdated customs and illogical beliefs. In modern times, Saleha Abid Husain, A.R.Khatton, Razia Fasih Ahmed, Razia Butt, Deeba Khanum, Iffat Mohani, Amna Iqbal Ahmed, Salma Kanwal and Bushra Rehman’s works also bear strong imprints of Islah un Nisa.</p> <p>Hence, it is quite evident that the campaign that was spearheaded by Rasheed un Nisa was duly and successfully followed by her female successors in Urdu Literature. The burning issues of those times were adequately portrayed in their works which eventually led to societal reformation.&nbsp; As woman holds a pivotal position in the social pyramid of the society and only she can understand and gauge the sufferings and problems of her fellow women, hence reformation of one woman tantamount to the reformation of an entire generation and subsequently the entire nation.</p> Gul Sam, Dr. Munawwar Hashmi Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/152 Sun, 24 Jul 2022 19:49:15 +0000 Manifestations of Ibn Arabi's Concept of Perfect Man https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/153 <p>Ibn Arabi has a very high position in Islamic mysticism and that is why he is named “Sheikh Ibn Arabi”. He has clarified the concept of perfect man in his two books "Fatuhat Mekia" and "Fusus Al-Hakam". According to him, man is generally perfect. In this regard he uses the word "Adam" in his books but by this he does not mean only Adam (peace be upon him) but he uses this word in the general sense for all human beings. Man can attain the degree of perfection through his spiritual practice. However, regarding the spiritual perfection of man and woman, Ibn Arabi states that the degree of perfection of woman is less than that of man because God created woman as a part of man. Ibn Arabi also believes that the perfection of the Prophets (peace be upon them) besides the common people is also noteworthy and the perfection of the Prophets is more than the standard and position of the perfection of the common people. Hazrat Muhammad holds the highest standard of perfection and integrity. Ibn Arabi states that there are two types of prophecy. One of them is general prophecy while the other is called legislative prophecy.&nbsp; He also tries to establish a link between the general prophets and the saints of Allah in the ummah of the Holy Prophet. Has come into existence.</p> Dr. Saira Tayyiba , Sayyad Adeel Shah, Dr. Zia Ur Rahman Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/153 Sun, 31 Jul 2022 09:58:56 +0000 General rules, Qur’an, sūraẗ al-kahaf, https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/154 <h1 style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-weight: normal;">This article aims to discuss the general rules related to Quranic study in the light of <em>sūraẗ al-kahaf</em>. The Qur'anic general rules are a set of rules, which have sub rules to apply and output the rule of legislation. The Qur'an has presented these general rules through various and varied methods; many of these came from the words of the apostles and prophets, or an anecdote about their books and canons. Likewise, it may came within a set of verses containing several meanings and rules of the general rules, such as the rule: to remove embarrassment from people; this rule fixed in several verses.</span> <span style="font-size: 14.0pt; line-height: 107%; font-weight: normal;">In this research work, I have focused on one <em>sūraẗ of Qur’an, which is sūraẗ al-kahaf. </em>I have derived general rules<em> from the verse of Qur’an along with applied study. </em></span></h1> Dr. Abdullah Molvi Abdul Ghafoor, Dr. Obaid-Ur-Rahman Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/154 Sun, 31 Jul 2022 10:45:34 +0000 A Critical & Comparative Study of the Manuscript Fatawa Naqshbandi of Imam Muin-ud-Din Al- Naqshbandi Al-Kashmiri https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/127 <p>Nothing has been created in the world without any purpose. Everything is created for a specific aim. Human beings have also been created for this prescribed purpose that they will fulfill duties that are assigned to them by Allah.</p> <p>Now man has to worship Allah under a special law. Therefore, Allah has revealed this book Al-Quran. And it has been defined by the Prophet of Allah. Due to these two means, human beings can be successful. Based on these sources religious scholars have defined another law which is called Fiqha, Fiqha is a complicated law that is concerned with individual and collective issues about men &amp; women</p> <p><strong>Al-Fatwa Naqshbandiyya </strong>is a scholarly, jurisprudential endeavor of <strong>Imam Mohiuddin Al-Naqshbandi Al-Kashmir</strong>i in which jurisprudential issues are mentioned in a very smooth manner.</p> <p>&nbsp;Al-Fatwa Al-Naqshbandia Although the book has great scientific value, it is so far in manuscript form, Fatwa Naqshbandiyyah is such a treasure trove of knowledge that the ummah can benefit from it for the rest of the world scholars can fulfill their duty of guiding the Ummah by pleasing him.</p> Dr. Muhammad Sohail , Dr. Nosheen Bibi, Dr. Mumtaz Khan Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/127 Sun, 31 Jul 2022 11:26:04 +0000 Sound Pollution as Great Hazard for human health and its solution in the light of Prophetic Guidance https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/149 <p>In modern world, noise pollution is one of the current major environmental crises faced by humans on daily basis. The purpose of this paper is to highlight current sound pollution as an environmental issue and its major impacts on human’s health. The paper aims to investigate health issues in the context of sound pollution. Noise pollution is determined and discussed in the existing literature of environmental studies. The study examines the human behaviours regarding sound in the light of Islamic teachings. &nbsp;The paper followed an analytical interpretivist method which examined hadith literature and conducted content analysis.&nbsp; The study elaborates the religious guidance about sound which determines human behaviours and practices. This paper finds that Special emphasis was laid down by Islam on appropriate use of tongue, lower down the volume of sound and motivation to produce pleasant sound. Particularly, it developed moral awareness for humans to distinguish appropriate use of sound and its negative impacts. It further leads one to realize the need to abide all prophetic teachings regarding a sustainable environment.</p> Dr. Sumaira Nawaz Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/149 Wed, 18 May 2022 03:24:10 +0000 The PLACE OF WOMAN: THE QUR’ANIC TEACHINGS AND LATER JURISTIC ACCRETIONS IN MUSLIM WORLD https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/146 <p><em>Islam is regarded by Muslims as containing/guiding man’s whole life from birth till death and even the afterlife. As such, it is difficult to properly appreciate the notion of women’s status without reference to the teachings of Islam. Such teachings are contained in the Qur’an, the book believed to have been revealed to the Prophet of Islam, and the Sunnah, the Prophet’s sayings and actions during his ministry. This paper highlights such authentic teachings regarding place of women in an Islamic society. The paper also mentions how such teachings were interpreted in various regions that came to form part of the lands under Muslim rule. Such interpretations were codified and, over time, came to distort the place that the Qur’an gives to the woman in society. As a result, across the world, most of the Muslim women are among the poorest, socially backward, economically susceptible, and politically marginalized segment of society. There is need for them to reclaim their religious rights and to take active part in religious ‘debate on women’s rights’.</em></p> Dr. Naila Maqsood Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/146 Fri, 20 May 2022 11:16:56 +0000 A survey of recent collaborative western projects in the genre of Qur’ānic studies https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/151 <p>The Qur’ān has received the attention of western scholars for a long. The tradition of western academic investigation of the Qur’ān goes back to medieval times. Over the centuries, the western folks have produced a bulk of literature in the field of Qur’ānic studies. At present, a rapid rise in the joint efforts funded by renowned publishers is quite evident. In this article, by applying a descriptive and partially analytical approach, an overview of the combined projects is presented highlighting their features and characteristics. For this, few yet most significant works are selected as specimens.&nbsp; In conclusion, some recommendations are put forth for Muslim researchers.</p> Dr. Iffat Batool, Razia Nisar Copyright (c) 2022 Tahdhib-al-Afkar https://ojs.tahdhibalafkar.com/index.php/taa/article/view/151 Sun, 31 Jul 2022 11:42:05 +0000