قرآنکی تفسیر مىں علومِ عربیۃ كا كردار: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

A Critical Analysis of theRole of ‘Arabic Sciences in Qurᾱnic Exegesis

  • Falak Naz University of Peshawar
  • Prof, Dr. Musrrat Jamal University of Peshawar
Keywords: Qurᾱn, Tafsῑr, Opinion, Mufassir, Ṣaḥᾱbah


It is the excellence of ‘Arabic that the Holy Qurᾱn has been revealed in this language. The Holy Qurᾱn has described this language as the most eloquent and pure means of conversation. The ‘Arabic Tafsῑr are the original and most authentic sources of Tafsῑr. The most acceptable Tafsῑr is Tafsῑr of Qurᾱn by Qurᾱn itself, Tafsῑr by Sunnah, Tafsῑr by the sayings of the Ṣaḥᾱbah and then by language and opinion.In this research paperm the role of ‘Arabic sciences has been highlighted about its application in Tafsῑr. The arguments have been added in shape of various examples from ‘Arabic literature. It shall also explore the need and importance of knowing the ‘Arabic for Mufasirs.

Author Biographies

Falak Naz, University of Peshawar

PhD Scholar, Department of Arabic,

Prof, Dr. Musrrat Jamal, University of Peshawar

Professor, Department of Arabic,
