معجزاتُ النبیﷺ مخطوطہالاصطفاء لبیان معانی الشفاءکی روشنی میں

Miracle of The Prophet Muḥammad (S.A.W) in light of Manuscript “Al-Iṣṭifᾱ’ libayᾱn Ma ̒ ᾱnῑ Al-Shifᾱ”

  • Zia ur Rahman Ph.D Resarch Scholar
  • Dr. Ziaullah Al Azhari University of Peshawar
Keywords: Miracles, Types of Miracles, Miracles of the Holy Prophet & their Kinds, Manuscript


What has bestowed upon the Prophets is known as miracle because laymen lack this power. It has two types. One of them although, is in the limitation of human power but they surrender to do so. Such act of powerlessness on behalf of laymen is clear sign that it is the only power of God. As Jews were abstained from killing themselves. Another type is that act which beyond human power in the sense that they cannot bring its resemblance as to bring to life the death. Also, the miracles of our Holy Prophet Muḥammad (S.A.W) are categorized into two types.  The first includes those miracles which are completely known and transmitted with continuity as the Holy Qurᾱn which is free of any doubts and differences. Other type of miracles is the one in which the message was reached to us with uncertain and least verified evidences unlike the first one. The later one is of two kinds; one is the type wherein the matter is well-known and narrated by so many narrators. For instance, as the water spouted out between the fingers of our Holy Prophet Muḥammad (S.A.W). Another kind is of wherein the narration is conveyed only by one or two narrators as the miracle of splitting of the moon. In this article this issue has been discussed critically.

Author Biographies

Zia ur Rahman, Ph.D Resarch Scholar

Department of Sῑrah Studies, University of Peshawar

Dr. Ziaullah Al Azhari, University of Peshawar

Ex. Chairman, Department of Sῑrah Studies
