عصرِ حاضر کے تارکین ِ اسلام اور اسلام سے متعلق ان کی تحریرات ایک علمی و تحقیقی جائزہ

Contemporary Apostates and their Writings about Islam: A Research Overview

  • Muhammad Usman University of Peshawar
  • Prof. Dr. Zia Ullah Al-Azhari University of Peshawar
Keywords: Orientalism, Contemporary Apostates, Ibn Warrᾱq, Alῑ Sῑna, Nonie Darwish


Clash of civilizations is a historical fact. According to the Juedo-Christo history, both Christians and Jews have face persecutions by one another, because both believed to be on the God side. When Islᾱm arised, both Christian and Jews stood against it and started battles and plots against Islᾱm and Muslims in different ways, but soon they realized that this is not the right way to conquer Muslims,so they started studying Islamic Studies and they went so deeply through various fields of Islamic studies which later on grew up to Orientalism. With the passage of time the Orientalists realized that if a non-Muslim being an Orientalist, criticizes Islᾱm and the Prophet of Islᾱm, the Muslim World will not consider such criticism valid, so the West came with an alternate strategy and that was the upbringing of such Muslims who had been learning about Islᾱm in a wrong pattern since their academic life and they have not only left the circle of Islᾱm, but have also produced a number of writings against Islᾱm and the Prophet of Islᾱm. Many people can be cited as examples who converted from Islᾱm to Christianity or to other religions and since then have been writing books and articles against Islᾱm; namely Ibn Warrᾱq from India, ‘Alῑ Sῑnᾱ from Iran and Nonie Darwῑsh from Egypt etc. As a research scholar, having gone through the writings of Contemporary Apostates, feels the importance and need of a scholarly analysis of their work.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Usman, University of Peshawar

Ph.D Scholar, Department of Seerah Studies,

Prof. Dr. Zia Ullah Al-Azhari, University of Peshawar

Ex-Chairman, Department of Seerah Studies,
