عصبیت کی روک تھام کےحوالے سے سائبرکرائم ایکٹ 2016کاشرعی جائزہ

A Sharῑ‘ah Review of Cyber Crime Act 2016 Regarding the Prevention of Sectarianism

  • Shah Hussain, Ph.D Scholar
  • Dr. Hafiz Salih ud Din Associate Professor
Keywords: Harmony, Sectarianism, Cyber Crime Act, Eradication, Society


Unity, brotherhood and harmony is the most important factor for the development and survival of human beings. Human intellect has great vastness. There may be difference of opinion among people about a single issue. which cause repulsion or attraction in any field. Islam has bound its followers in the net of fraternity and belief. There are two types of opinion, one is related to faith and other is related to its components. Islam has different school of thoughts and there is no basic difference among them. But individually there is great difference in each sect, but insulting and degradation of each sect on the basis of these differences in no way a good posture. Due to lack of knowledge many new sects were formed on behalf of differences. Even they are reluctant to offer prayers with each other. According to golden principles of The Holy Qurᾱn تَعَالَوْاإِلَى كَلِمَةٍسَوَاءٍبَيْنَنَاوَبَيْنَكُمْ has the same value for all sects. In these differences Sectarianism is the most serious problem than any other facing to everyone. In this article an efforts have been made to high light the principles which are mentioned in the cyber crime act, 2016 to get rid of sectarianism in Islamic perspective.

Author Biographies

Shah Hussain,, Ph.D Scholar

Department of Islamic Studies, AWKUM

Dr. Hafiz Salih ud Din, Associate Professor

Chairman, Department of Islamic Studies, AWKUM
