شہاب الدین محمد شاہ جہاں کے عہد حکومت میں فنون لطیفہ ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

Fine Arts in the Era of Shahᾱb ud Dῑn Shᾱh Jahᾱn: An Analytical Study

  • Dr. Munazza Hayat Assistant Professor
  • Dr. Syyed Naeem Badshah Bukhari Agriculture University Peshawar
Keywords: Fine Arts, Sub Continent, Shahᾱb ud Dῑn Shᾱh Jahᾱn, Poetry, Literature, Painting


Fine Arts open up the possibilities for a human being by creating creativity in his life, giving him the opportunity to create color in his life. It is the fine arts that enhance the economic, social, cultural and creative environment of human life. The fine arts relate to humans at all stages of life, in various forms. Performances are the best expression of the aesthetic sense of a particular group; With regard to the fine arts in the subcontinent, it has been of special importance. In this article, it has examined the extent to which the arts developed during the reign of Mughal ruler Shahᾱb ud Dῑn Shᾱh Jahᾱn in the subcontinent. What has the impact on the quality of life and how this development has impacted social revolution? A look at the history makes it clear that although the Muslim period in the subcontinent had begun long ago, it was the Mughal family who Special attention was paid to the fine arts. Various arts developed during different Mughal emperors.

Author Biographies

Dr. Munazza Hayat, Assistant Professor

Department of Islamic Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan

Dr. Syyed Naeem Badshah Bukhari, Agriculture University Peshawar

Chairman Department of Islamic Studies, 
