برطانیہ کی اردو شاعری میں تصوف و عرفان کی روایت کا ایک جائزہ

An overview of the Tradition of Ṣūfism and Mysticism in British Urdu Poetry

  • Dr. Shir Ali Al hamd Islamic University, Islamabad
  • Dr. Saiera Batool Assistant Professor
Keywords: Ḥaḍrat Muḥammad, Ṣūfism, Mysticism, England, Urdu Poetry


The tradition of Ṣūfism and Mysticism is deep rooted in our history, culture and civilization. Its essence can be vividly seen in the religious canon of the world. In Islamic history, it is traced back to our Holy Prophet Ḥaḍrat Muḥammad (PBUH), Ḥaḍrat ‘Ali (RA) and numerous Ṣūfῑs. The details may be seen in Ibn ‘Arabῑ’s The Bezels of Wisdom, English translation by Ralph Austin. Urdu poetry has been affected by the tradition of Ṣūfism and Mysticism right from its beginning. One can see poetic expression of mystic experiences in the poetry of Amῑr Khisro, Wali Dakkᾱni, Sirᾱj Auran Ᾱbᾱdi, Mῑr Taqi Mῑr, Khᾱwja Mῑr Dard, Mirzᾱ Rafi Sauda, Mirzᾱ Ghᾱlib, Momin Khᾱn Momin  and in modern days Dr. ‘Allᾱma Muḥammad Iqbᾱl. Apart from India and Pakistan, British is the third largest centre of Urdu language and literature. Million of emigrants have been settled over there for centuries. The tradition of Urdu poetry has been very dynamic and vibrant. From earlier poets such as Nawᾱb Karῑm Khᾱn, one can see poetic tradition of Urdu in British emancipated through Iqbᾱl, Faiḍ and NM Rᾱshid etc. In this article, the tradition of Ṣūfism and Mysticism in the Urdu Poetry of England has been discussed and analyzed.

Author Biographies

Dr. Shir Ali, Al hamd Islamic University, Islamabad

Chairman, Department of Urdu, Al hamd Islamic University, Islamabad

Dr. Saiera Batool, Assistant Professor

Department of Urdu, Islamic International University, Islamabad
