تجلی اور رؤیت باری تعالیٰ کے متعلق شیخ احمدسرہندیؒ کا نقطہ نظر: ایک تحقیقی جائزہ
A Research Study of Shaikh Aḥmad Sarhindi's View Regarding Tajallῑ (The Manifestation) & Sighting of Allah
Since the era of companions of Holy Prophet (PBUH), contradiction is observed about the sighting of Lord’s light in this world and afterlife. This theological concept has been described in co-relation with the basic Sufi term Tajallῑ. It is described as manifestation which means the gift of Allah to advanced mystic in which the seeker finds an inkling of the divine majesty and grandeur by way of an illumination. It talks about the aspect of divine disclosure and it emphasizes Allah’s majesty and transformation wrought in the seeker in its wake. This term is co-related with contemplation (Mushᾱhadah)also. In this regard, Shaikh Ahmad’s concept about the sighting of Lord’s light is quite balanced to correlate the contradictory theories. The discussion has been premeditated to explore the view of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi about manifestation and his concept about sighting of Lord’s light in this world and afterlife. The conductive method has been adopted for explanation of data. The complex terms have been explained and comprehended. The various opinions have been compared that are contradictory with the view point of Shaikh Aḥmad Sarhindi.