Methodology and Style of Muhammad Saeed Ramzan Al Both’s book “Fiqh alseerah Al Nabavia”
محمد سعید رمضان البوطی کی کتاب "فقہ السیرۃ النبویۃ" کامنہج و اسلوب
The intellectuals and genuine Scholars from every age down the era of prophethood have penned down the life of the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. If the history of the biography of the prophet is traced back , it reveals varied styles for different tastes and tendencies. A cursory look on the history of biography of the prophet reveals styles like one developed on Hadith, historical, compilatory, conversational, debatory and jurisprudential. This articale is based on jurisprudential in style. It contain syllogism in instructions of Sharia and jurisprudence. This kind of diction is termed as jurisprudence of Seerah . In the contemporary age, a book titled “Fiqah us Seerah un Nabavia” has been penned on the said style. This research article explores the subject and style of the book, the life and works of Muhammad Saeed Ramzan Alboti along with the shortcomings of the book. In the end it contains conclusion and references.