ترتیبِ سورمیں اختلاف اور اس حوالے سےامام ابن زبیرؒ اورامام سیوطیؒ کاموقف: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ

An Analysis of the Views of Imᾱm Ibn Zubair (RA) and ‘Allᾱma Syūṭi (RA) Regarding the Differences in the Order of Sūrahs

  • Akbar Ali University of Malakand
  • Dr. Janas Khan Assistant Professor
Keywords: The Holy Qurᾱn, Order of Sūrah Ibn Zubair, Allᾱma Syūṭi


The Holy Qurᾱn is the last book of Allah Almighty, revealed to the Prophet Muḥammad (SAW) about in twenty-three years of duration. There is a relationship between the Sūrahs and verses of the Holy Qurᾱn. This is a science known by people with a specific knowledge. It has been an issue among the Muslim scholars that whether this relationship among the Sūrahs and verses is indicated by the Holy Prophet Muḥammad (SAW) or his companions did it. ‘Allᾱma Ibn Zubair and ‘Allᾱma Syūṭi are among those scholars. Ibn Zubair wrote a book Al-Burhᾱn and ‘Allᾱma Syūṭi wrote Aṣrᾱr Tartῑb e Qurᾱn. Both the scholars discussed the issue of relationships of the chapters and verses because many secrets reveal to a person when known this relationship. Both the writers presented them in their own specific ways and mastery. The first author Ibn Zubair was a scholar who wrote his book on this topic and ‘Allᾱma Syūṭi also mentioned him in his book specially written on the sciences of the Holy Qurᾱn, commonly known as Al-Etqᾱn fῑ ‘Ulūm ul Qurᾱn. ‘Allᾱma Syūṭi is among the scholars who addressed this issue of the relationship of Sūras and verses to disclose the views of both the scholars (Ibn Zubair and ‘Allᾱma Syūṭi) on this issue and have discussed the views of other scholars on this topic.  We have tried to discuss different views and the preference given to any view and why it is so.

Author Biographies

Akbar Ali, University of Malakand

Ph.D Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies

Dr. Janas Khan, Assistant Professor

Department of Islamic Studies, University of Malakand
