علامہ تفتازانیؒ اورمختصر المعانی میں ان کامنہج ایک تحقیقی جائزہ

‘Allᾱma Taftᾱzᾱni and His Methodology in Mukhtaṣar al Ma‘ᾱni: A Research Analysis

  • Haroon ur Rasheed Ph.D Scholar
  • Dr. Najmul Hassan Assistant Professor,
Keywords: Mukhtaṣar al Ma‘ᾱni, Methodolgoy, Rhetoric, Curriculum, ‘Allᾱma


The Holy Qurᾱn being the complete, perpetual, and everlasting message of Allah  Almighty, revealed upon the Prophet Muḥammad (SAW), for the guidance of humanity irrespective of color, race, gender and Religion. The scientific, philosophical, historical, philological and religious evidences prove that the Holy Qurᾱn has been preserved from all kinds of human amalgamations in the history. It had always been the source of interpretation and inference of various ‘Ulūm for religious and other scholars as well. They had been deriving Fiqh, Sciences of  Fiqh, Sciences of Hadῑth, Sciences of lexical, syntax, Morphology and Rhetoric etc. The Science of Rhetoric, being essence of the Holy Qurᾱn and ‘Arabic Language has been focused by various linguistic scholars to disseminate its message eloquently across the globe. Keeping in view the important aspect of the Rhetoric, ‘Allᾱma Taftzᾱni(RA) had prepared the great compendium of Mukhtaṣar al Ma‘ᾱni in 8th Hijri. Since that, this book had been the integral part of the curriculum being thought in Dῑni Madᾱris. The aim of this study is to undertake the Methodology of Mukhtaṣar al Ma‘ᾱni, its worth and value among religious curriculum, scholars and students.

Author Biographies

Haroon ur Rasheed, Ph.D Scholar

Department of Islamic Studies, University of Malakand

Dr. Najmul Hassan, Assistant Professor,

Department of Islamic Studies, University of Malakand
