یہودی مذہبی رسوم اور تہواروں کے معاشرتی اثرات کا ایک جائزہ

An Overview of the Social Impacts of Jewish Religious Rituals and Festivals

  • Dr. Nasir ud Din Associate Professor
Keywords: Jewish Rites, Jewish Celebrations, Social Impact of Religion


The Jews are the descendants of Ḥaḍrat Jacob ‘Aly Salam and they had twelve tribes. Most of the prophets were sent in this tribe. Many rituals were took place in Jewish society and as a result religious rites and celebrations being observed by millions at same point of time, which have direct and indirect impact on society. This article analyzed seven major Jewish rites and religious celebrations: Al-Sabt, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Saykot, Hanukkah, Purim, and Eid Fiṣḥ for their social impacts on Isrᾱiel and on other citizens of globe. It is discovered that the observance results in promotion of social coherence, human welfare, family-based values, and positive introduction and establishment of Jewish symbols in non-Jewish societies.

Author Biography

Dr. Nasir ud Din, Associate Professor

Department of Islamic & Religious Studies, Hazara University, Mansehra
