A Three-Tier Model for Inter textuality in the Holy Qurᾱn

  • Dr. Khᾱn Sardarᾱz Registrar
  • Dr. Roslᾱn Bin ‘Alῑ Senior Lecturer
  • Dr. Ᾱsia Nuṣrat Assistant Professor
Keywords: Qurᾱn, context, inter textuality, inter textual links, interpretation


In previous literature, inter textuality has been applied to the interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn, but it lacks a coherent and systematic approach. So far, little or no attempt has been made to propose or design a systematic model of inter textuality for the interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn. This paper reviews both the modern Western and Islamic theoretical literature on inter textuality. Besides, it exhaustively reviews the inter textual approaches to the interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn both in classical exegetical tradition and in modern research studies. The findings reveal that the existing approaches are either sketchy and sporadic, or generic or rigid, and cannot account for a comprehensive interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn. They do not suggest any systematic model for search and selection of inter textual links in the Holy Qurᾱn. The review also shows that the modern theoretical literature on inter textuality in Western tradition misses the theoretical literature on the tool of inter textuality in Islamic discourse. On the basis of its findings, this paper, keeping in view the sensitivity of the religious discourse, suggests a 3-tier model of inter textuality for interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn, consisting of lexical, topical and grammatical/ stylistic inter textual links. This paper also suggests that future research may focus on its application to Qurᾱnic interpretation or/and to frame more vibrant models of inter textuality, drawing on the modern trends in linguistics, to serve the aim of comprehensive interpretation of the Holy Qurᾱn.

Author Biographies

Dr. Khᾱn Sardarᾱz, Registrar

University of Science & Technology, Bannu

Dr. Roslᾱn Bin ‘Alῑ, Senior Lecturer

Faculty of Language & Commmunication, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Dr. Ᾱsia Nuṣrat, Assistant Professor

Department of Humanities, COMSATS University ,Lahore Campus
