جرح و تعدیل میں شیخ ناصر الدین البانی ؒ کے منہج کا تحقیقی جائزہ

A Research Analysis of the Methodology of Shaikh Nasir ud Din al-Albani about Jarh wa Ta'deel

  • Anwar ul Haq PhD Research Scholar, Department of Hadith and Uloom Hadith, AIOUI
  • Dr. Mohammad Shahid Assistant Professor, Department of Hadith and Uloom Hadith, AIOUI
Keywords: Jarha, Tadel, Albani, Zaeef, Sahih, Compilations


Science of Jarha-o-Tadel is a means of preserving the text and authenticity of a hadith. This knowledge is unique to Muslims. Through it, the circumstances of millions of narrators of hadith have been recorded. Thanks to this knowledge, it is a matter of pride for Muslims today that the collection of hadiths available to the Ummah of Muhammad meets the standard of research and criticism. The former ummah has not been able to do this in a good way due to which the teachings of their Prophets are almost non-existent and what exists is found in a distorted form. With the passage of time, this knowledge continued to innovate and this knowledge continued to develop further. Many well-known narrators have passed away in this knowledge. Shaykh al-Albani is also one of those muhaddithin who has dedicated his life to the service of hadith. In this article, his principles regarding Jarha-o-Tadel collected and discussed, but he compiled a set of principles, which he named Tamam al-Manna. He mentions some other principle in his various compilations, which will be mentioned here together.
